Passion Week
Tena koutou, and greetings church family.
What a wonderful Palm Sunday church service last week. It was great to see everyone waving all the greenery and expressing the joy of Jesus triumphant entry into Jerusalem.
Holy Week started on Palm Sunday (2/4) and ends Easter Sunday (9/4)[1]. Here is a timeline of Passion Week for you to follow.
Day 1. Sunday 2 April. Triumphant entry to Jerusalem — Palm Sunday.
(Zechariah 9:9-13; Mark 11:1-11; Luke 19:28-40; John 12:12-19)
Day 2 Monday 3 April. Jesus enters Jerusalem and cleanses the Temple.
(Mark 11:15-19; Luke 19:45-48; John 2:12-25)
Day 3 Tuesday 4 April. Teaching and avoiding Pharisees traps.
The priests set four traps for Jesus, the first questioning His authority, second trap challenged Jesus’ allegiance, the third trap attempted to ridicule Jesus’ belief in resurrection, and the fourth Jesus answered by claiming God’s greatest command to be “Love.”
(Matthew 21:23–24:51, Mark 11:20–13:37, Luke 20:1–21:36, and John 12:20–38.)
Day 4 Wednesday (Holy Wednesday) 5 April
Scholars and Theologians tell of Jesus spending time with His disciples at Bethany after an exhausting day in Jerusalem where he revealed to the disciples, and the world, that he had power over death by raising Lazarus from the grave. After seeing this incredible miracle, many people in Bethany believed that Jesus was the Son of God and put their faith in him. Also in Bethany just a few nights earlier, Lazarus’ sister Mary had lovingly anointed the feet of Jesus with expensive perfume.
Day 5 Thursday (Maundy Thursday) 6 April. Passover and Last Supper
Jesus sent Peter and John ahead to the Upper Room in Jerusalem to make the preparations for the Passover Feast. That evening after sunset, Jesus washed the feet of his disciples as they prepared to share in the Passover.
The Passover meal (Luke 22:15-20) Garden of Gethsemane, (Luke 22:44).
Betrayed (Judas), arrested and on trial (Caiaphas).
Peters denial.
(Matthew 26:17–75, Mark 14:12-72, Luke 22:7-62, and John 13:1-38).
Day 6 Trial, Crucifixion, Death, and Burial Friday 7 April Good Friday
Good Friday is the most difficult day of Passion Week. Christ’s journey turned treacherous and acutely painful in these final hours leading to his death.
Jesus endured the shame of false accusations, condemnation, mockery, beatings, and abandonment. After multiple unlawful trials, he was sentenced to death by crucifixion, one of the most horrible and disgraceful methods of capital punishment known at the time. Soldiers spit on him, tormented and mocked him, and pierced him with a crown of thorns.
Jesus carried his own cross to Calvary where, again, he was mocked and insulted as Roman soldiers nailed him to the wooden cross.
Jesus spoke seven final statements from the cross. His first words were, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” (Luke 23:34, NIV). His last words were, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” (Luke 23:46, NIV)
Then, about the ninth hour (3 p.m.), Jesus breathed his last breath and died.
By 6 p.m. Friday evening, Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea took Jesus’ body down from the cross and lay it in a tomb.
(Matthew 27:1-62, Mark 15:1-47, Luke 22:63-23:56, and John 18:28-19:37).
Day 7 Saturday in the Tomb
Jesus’ body lay in its tomb, where it was guarded by Roman soldiers throughout the day on Saturday, which was the Sabbath. When the Sabbath ended at 6 p.m., Christ’s body was ceremonially treated for burial with spices purchased by Nicodemus (John 19: 39-40, NLT).
While his physical body lay in the tomb, Jesus Christ paid the penalty for sin by offering the perfect, spotless sacrifice. He conquered death, both spiritually and physically, securing our eternal salvation (1 Peter 1:18-19, NLT)
(Matthew 27:62-66, Mark 16:1, Luke 23:56, and John 19:40).
Day 8 Sunday. Resurrection-He is Risen. Easter Sunday
On Resurrection Sunday, or Easter, we reach the culmination of Holy Week. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most important event of the Christian faith. The very foundation of all Christian doctrine hinges on the truth of this account.
An angel announced to Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Salome, and Mary the mother of James “Don’t be afraid! I know you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead, just as he said would happen.” (Matthew 28:5-6, NLT)
(Matthew 28:1-13, Mark 16:1-14, Luke 24:1-49, and John 20:1-2).
about author
Ordained in 2022 after 20+ years in the education sector as a Teacher, Principal and Education consultant. Reverend Enosa heard God’s call to enter the ministry. Now Senior Minister of St Peter’s Church in Tauranga, he leads a vibrant Church in the heart of the City reaching out to the local community.