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Rev Enosa Auva’a
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Fellowship 21st Century

Tena koutou, and greetings church family.

Fellowship is so important, and it was great to have another small group hosting our luncheon after the service Sunday. Big thanks to Tuesday’s 7am men’s small group. What a blessing to share in conversation and catch up with other over soup and hot buns.

Fellowship at church

The first century church were continually devoting themselves to the apostles teaching and to fellowship and to the breaking of bread and to prayer (Acts 2:42). We are encouraged to share with one another in psalms (Word), sings hymns and spiritual songs amongst ourselves making melody with our heart to the Lord (Ephesians 5:19). In our gathering we let the Word of Christ dwell within us that we may receive wisdom and understanding to share the Good News in our community. Finally, Jesus commands us “that you love one another, even as I have loved you, (John 13:34).

Fellowship in small groups

If you are not in a small group, please see the list of small groups we currently operate or make an inquiry about their suitability for your needs in the weekly Pastoral message. All leaders numbers are listed. Session is asking everyone in our church to be part of a small group to assist them to help people find, follow and know Jesus”. The bible instructs us to have fellowship with each other consistently for it is good, helpful and pleasing to God.

Last Sunday Keith Hooker also shared about the importance of not neglecting the ‘meeting together’. We need each other not only to give encouragement but also to receive it. As a family of God make going to church and attending a small group a priority.

See you Sunday!

Blessings, Enosa

about author

Rev Enosa Auva’a

Ordained in 2022 after 20+ years in the education sector as a Teacher, Principal and Education consultant. Reverend Enosa heard God’s call to enter the ministry. Now Senior Minister of St Peter’s Church in Tauranga, he leads a vibrant Church in the heart of the City reaching out to the local community.

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