Jesus a model for Prayer
Tena koutou, and greetings church family.
As we continue our journey into the fifth week of Lent (started on 22/2 Ash Wednesday and ending with Easter on 9/4) I find myself more in intercessory prayer for my family, friends and the church family. The power of prayer brings peace to my heart, soul, mind and strength.
Jesus set the model for a prayer life: he prayed for life’s needs, he prayed for the sick to be restored to full health, he prayed for the forgiveness of those who harmed him, he prayed for the non-believers to receive the kingdom of God, he prayed for his disciples protection, he prayed in the wilderness, on the mountain, in secluded places, evening, night, and morning. If there is a habit in Christian life I want more of, it is being prayerful.
In Luke 11:1-4 Jesus taught His disciples how to pray, this is known as the Lord’s Prayer. In verse 1 the disciples asked Jesus “Lord, teach us how to pray” It’s interesting they didn’t ask him how to preach? Or how to heal? They wanted to learn how to pray because they could see how powerful Jesus’ prayer life was. His relationship with God the father through prayer was so evident to the disciples.
Jesus not only teaches us to pray by providing us a model for prayer; He also encourages us to pray by insisting that our prayers will succeed in gaining what we need. Prayer is the dominant way in which we conduct our relationship with God, so Jesus teaches us to call him Father.
Consider digging deeper into your prayer life using Jesus Prayer Model- the “7Ps” (based on Luke) in this Lent season
- Prayer shows reverence and praise for God
- Prayer requires intimacy with God. “Our Father”
- Prayer brings full awareness of God’s sovereignty
- Prayer shows Gods provision everyday
- Prayer shows believers to be forgiven
- Prayer directs believers to be forgiving
- Prayer shows believers to be vigilant – awareness
We have a wonderful God who is always listening to our prayers, cry out to him, he is always there.
about author
Ordained in 2022 after 20+ years in the education sector as a Teacher, Principal and Education consultant. Reverend Enosa heard God’s call to enter the ministry. Now Senior Minister of St Peter’s Church in Tauranga, he leads a vibrant Church in the heart of the City reaching out to the local community.