Sunday Service 07/07/2024
Date: 07-07-2024 Speaker: Rev. Enosa Auva'a [...]
Date: 07-07-2024 Speaker: Rev. Enosa Auva'a [...]
Date: 30-06-2024 Speaker: Rev. David Duncanson [...]
Date: 23-06-2024 Speaker: Rev. Enosa Auva'a [...]
Date: 16-06-2024
When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting.
Date: 06-09-2024 Speaker: Rev. Enosa Auva'a [...]
Last Sunday night I was invited to open the start of the Samoan Language Week in Auckland. This week's theme "Tuatua i le alofa, manuia le lumana'i" meaning "Serve in love for a blessed future".
Date: 26-05-2024 Speaker: Rev. David Duncanson [...]
We make many plans, but ultimately God's plan stands firm.
Date: 19-05-2024 Speaker: Rev. Enosa Auva'a [...]